Count of Pending Testimonials

// display a count of your testimonials in a specific category on the front-end
// (Be sure to replace the_category_slug with your own Testimonial Category's slug)
[testimonials_count status='any' category='the_category_slug']

// display a count of your Approved testimonials in a specific category on the front-end
// (Be sure to replace the_category_slug with your own Testimonial Category's slug)
[testimonials_count status='publish' category='the_category_slug']

// display a count of your Pending testimonials in a specific category on the front-end
// (Be sure to replace the_category_slug with your own Testimonial Category's slug)
[testimonials_count status='pending' category='the_category_slug']

// display a count of your Trashed testimonials in a specific category on the front-end
// (Be sure to replace the_category_slug with your own Testimonial Category's slug)
[testimonials_count status='trash' category='the_category_slug']