Testimonials cycle with various attributes

// Output a slideshow of testimonials from one category, show an excerpt, and show thumbnails
// (Be sure to replace the_category_slug with your own Testimonial Category's slug)
[testimonials_cycle category='the_category_slug' use_excerpt='1' show_thumbs='1']

// Output a slideshow of testimonials from one category, and limit to 20 testimonials total
[testimonials_cycle count='20' category='the_category_slug']

// Output a slideshow of your 10 most recent testimonials
[testimonials_cycle order='ASC' orderby='date' count='10']

// Output a slideshow of your 10 most recent testimonials showing titles and thumbnails
[testimonials_cycle order='ASC' orderby='date' count='10' show_title='1' show_thumbnail='1']

// Output a slideshow of 10 testimonials showing titles and using excerpts
[testimonials_cycle count='10' show_title='1' show_thumbs='1' use_excerpt='1']